

Welcome to
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Disvail Dynamics

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Milch & Zucker R. Mountain Lake Cafe

Mich und Zucker Logo

One of the coolest places in SecondLife.
We are chilling here  Drama is prohibited!
Visit Milch und Zucker
Café, Fireplace, Sandbox, Nature, Forest, Camping,
Cinema, Mountain Lake, Strand, Furry, Neko, Human, LGBTQIA+

Published: 2025-03-11 11:46:01

Places to visit

It is time to create a new category.
I think some places do not get enough love and visits.
Many people create a place in SecondLife that does not get enough love by visitors.
But they need to be shown!
Others are just known to everyone.
So I want to open a ne tab that shows you some landmarks you really should visit.


Love! Miko

Published: 2025-03-11 08:52:01

Only 10 hrs....

to go and then I move my ass out of here.
Finally. the three years of hell come to an end.

We will leave this location and go on in a new better life!
My girl and me cant await it. And I wish I could sleep.
So tired of beeing here.
I will write down the story as soon I find the time for on this personal blog.

cheers and wait for me on the other side!

Published: 2025-01-30 23:02:20

Last two days

A last two days until we move to a new location.
It is about time to to so. After a long search, me and my partner founf a new place to live.
It will take a few days till we come back online as there is alot to do.
New carpets need to be layed, new furniture has to be baught and build.
Internet is already setup and ready for us.

Wish us luck!

Published: 2025-01-29 08:07:33

Going slow right now

My partner and me are movin in reallife. So any developement is going slow,
We need to lay carpets, install a kitchen, move all the stuff over to the new place.
But things are going well so far.

Today we are checking out IKEA to get baffled by the prices. Why is everything so expensive these days?
Seriously. How can anyone afford life?

We are not looking to get super quality and expensive stuff. Just enough for a living.
But even that seems to be crazy.

We will see how it works out.


Published: 2025-01-23 09:29:53

Wohoo my first blog

Finally I have my own blogengine for this website!!
It was about time.
And first I want to post something really cool my frien Teff made for me.

Astral Remastered - AI Generated Song about me

Thank you so much! You really amazed me with this video!

I will try to post more as soon I know what to post.

Published: 2025-01-22 18:52:40
Changelog Instructions Outfits Addons Outfits Protected folders Access Control Animatios & Sounds Hoverheight Plugins Did yu know? Additional Stuff API To long to read Videos Inworld Vendor Marketplace

Official commercial

Lets Sing and Clap

Lets Sing and Clap in german


This is the successor to "ForceUndress".
After a very unfortunate event, the system had to be rewritten from scratch. As a result, the creator has changed.
Also the code is a completely new one and is much leaner.
Some functions were deliberately left out and other better ones were added.
For example, a database is no longer necessary, as each system uses its own database in SL.
Friends on your friends list can now undress you without an extra entry.
All old data, objects and scripts are lost forever. So a new start had to be made.

  • Pro. Keep your complexity low by not wearing any transparent body parts.
  • Pro. No need to search allover your inventory to change clothing layers.

If you discover a bug or a problem, please report it on Discord online
Same goes for feature requests.

How to create the avatar folder


Refrain from using spaces in folder names!! RLV does not like it

Version 1.65 will block folders with spaces!

It would get detached on avatar change.
I dont take any responsibilities if the hud fails working with other RLV tools.
You have to create a basic folder structure which is explained below.
Following Folder Structure is needed to run Undressify

Look at the examples to see how your folders need to look like!


Put your naked avatar into this folder. WITHOUT TESTICLES! Except you really want to carry scriptbombs
You can have multiple folders. Load an avatar from the >Avatar< button!

Folder Structure: Outfits

Version1 one outfit folder for all avatars

Create a folder: #RLV/~undressify/of
Inside that folder, create another folder with your outfit's name:
Inside the outfit's folder, create the following subfolders:
  • top_1
  • pants_1
  • top_2
  • pants_2
  • top_3
  • pants_3
  1. Place your outfit into the designated folder.
  2. Folders ending with _1 signify the top layer.
  3. Folders ending with _2 indicate the layer below, such as underwear or additional layers. (This step is optional)
  4. Folders ending with _3 represent the naked layer or additional bits. (This step is optional but requires _2 to be present)
  5. Folders ending with _0 represent can not be accessed by anyone and will represent special things like Tattoos or other things you like for the particular outfit
  6. You can have multiple folders or outfits.
  7. To load an outfit, use the Outfits button.
  8. The Clothing button will appear next.
  9. Click the Clothing button to preview how your clothing will be undressed.
  10. You can now click your belly or lower back to open the menu and load your avatar, outfit, etc.

Go to the main menu and click on "outfits"!
Now you will see your outfit to load,

Version2 one outfit folder for each avatar

Optional you can create it like this
and activate avspecific



Addons is a function for Items you like to have on every avatar and outfit. Like Huds, fun toys etcetera



AvAddons is a function for Items you like to have on your current and outfit. Like Huds, fun toys etcetera

From version 1.63, other items in a category will be removed when you choose another subfolder from the same category
To hide any addon folders, add a * at the end of the folder name


NEW plugin in Version 1.60 and up

To activate and deactivate addons/avaddons for other users, use the options menu!

Protected folders

Addons and AVAddons can have protected folders.
If you write a * ath the end of a category, noone but you will see the folder in a dialog.


Similar things happen when you create a folder in your outfit with _0 at the end of the folder name.

with this folder you can have special things like Tattoos or other things you like for the particular outfit

You can also control hoverheight with this folder. Click here!

Access options

There are many access options.

  • Friends. Only people from your friendlist are permitted
  • Everyone. Anybody is allowed to play with your clothing
  • Ask. You will be asked for anyone who clicks undressify
  • Nobody. Noone can click you
  • Lists. The Accesslist is always active if you dont have noone active.
You can add people from Options>Access>Scan. You can also Ban people the same way.

From version 1.64 There will be the Owner function.
You can specify an owner who will be able to control your system
There are two ways to add the owner.

Version 1
Go to Options>Access>Scan and pick the person you want to be owner, then press owner in the new menu
Version 2
Via chat you can use /77 add owner UUID
You can leave the owner via the same access menu. Simply press Runaway
or via chat /77 runaway

Sounds and Animations

Sounds correspond to the folder names. So if you you have a folder named 'top_1' the sound for it is 'top'
Same for animations

Hoverheight control

To set your automatic hoverheight you can set a folder like: stuff_0_0.100 in your outfit folder.
_0 means it will not appear in your dialog.
_0.100 means your hoverheight is 100mm above ground.
Activate Options>Hoverheight and it will be on.
If you sit on an object or on ground, your hoverheight will be set back to 0.
This saves you adjusting many poses.


Redress Timer

This tool will redress you once noone is in a specified range for variable time


Pick a random outfit every xx seconds


Pick an avatar to follow

Did you know?

If you change some textures via HUD of some of your clothing,
take that piece off manually and reattach it after you changed it.
Sl tends to ignore the change when something is detached via RLV

Sounds correspond to the folder names. So if you you have a folder named top_1 the sound for it is top
You can place your own sounds in the object for different sounds

You can even add gestures to the folders. The activate or deactivate with your outfit

Videos are coming soon

When moved and everythin setup, I will make some videos to show you how to do things

  • Basic setup
  • AVSpecific Setup
  • Addons setup
  • AVAddons setup
  • Advanced setup
  • Plugins

Additional stuff

A little tool to put in your reborn body hidefeed.lsl. Very useful for furry avatars.


Undressify listens on channel 5100
and sends on channel 5200


  • outfit~nameofoutfit - loads outfit with a name
  • avatar~nameofavatar - loads avatar with a name
  • reload - redresses your current outfit.
  • callav - responds with your current avatar
  • callof - responds with your current outfit
  • naked - makes you naked
  • ping - responds with data
  • forcesit~UUID - forces you to sit on object UUID
  • unsit - forces you to unsit
  • locksit - unlocks your sit
  • lock - locks Undressify to your avatar
  • unlock - unlocks Undressify
Here is a simple listener for the API output apilistener.lsl
If you want to create a new function for undressify here is an exxample plugin app.helloworld.lsl

Chat Commands

  • Before 1.66, the chat channel was 7
  • /77 main - opens main menu
  • /77 clothing - opens your current outfit
  • /77 avatars - opens your avatars
  • /77 outfits - opens your outfits
  • /77 options - opens your options
  • /77 reload - reloads your current outfit
  • /77 naked - you guessed it
  • /77 add owner UUID - adds a new owner
  • /77 runaway - makes you run away from the owner
  • /77 outfit~outfitname - wears your specified outfit (v1.66 Change outfit by gesture)


Version 1.67

  • Little fix for the hoverheight function

Plans for 2025

  • Make more shenanigans to work with undressify
  • Lovense Addon

Frequently asked questions

  • Q: Why cant I set this or that on an older version?
  • A: Because you did not update.
  • Q: But why do I have to update?
  • A: So you can set this or that! UPDATE!

  • Q: Why do you make so many updates?
  • A: Why dont you make any updates??

  • Q: Why do you send me things?
  • A: Why do you buy things??

  • Q: After Updating the Maitreya Body, my clothing dont fit?
  • A: Wrong person... pester Maitreya about that.

  • Q: Why dont you offer it in spanish/portugese/german/......?
  • A: The main language used on the internet is english. How did you find this website???

  • Q: Why is this bug not fixed?
  • A: What bug? Thanks for reporting! I can fix a bug when I know about.

  • Q: It keeps detaching!
  • A: Activate RLV! See tested viewers for more info

  • Q: So this is for females?
  • A: NO. Anyone can use it. its not gender specific. That is a misconception

  • Q: What does make this different to other systems like OpenCollar?
  • A: Its not comparable to open collar.
    For example you can make someone else undress you ie pull down your pants and OpenUndress replaces your pants with…
    lets say panties and makes you naked in the next stage.

  • Q: Does it work with mesh?
  • A: It does work with anything you can put on. No matter if its a skin, layer, eyes etcetera.

  • Q: Does this change alpha layers on my mesh-body?
  • A: No. It would require to have access to all the scripted channels of all mesh bodies.
    Also many clothing creators already add the functions to the clothing you buy.

  • Q: Every time I change my avatar, the hud detaches. How do I fix this?
  • A: Do not put the hud in one of your “#RLV” folders or outfits!

  • Q: Does RLV really steal money from my account?
  • A: NO! Rlv does not have access to your account or any account settings.
    No access to contents of your IMs etcetera. THAT IS A MYTH

  • Q: My Bom Layers keep showing in the wrong order. Why dont you fix this?
  • A: That is an issue with the BOM System.
    But you can fix it with ordering them by editing your worn outfit from the viewers menu

  • Q: If I have one linked together outfit, can I use this to seperatly undress parts of it
  • A: NO. You have a brain. Use it!

  • Q: It keeps spamming me with @... lines
  • A: Activate RLV! Or get a viewer that includes RLV.

  • Q: Why is the tutorial so hard?
  • A: Want me to sing and clap?

  • Q: Why is the tutorial so big?
  • A: Because people...

In a far away world called Furoria, there exists a religion that worships the sacred Furry Knot.
This religion, known as “Knotism,” has its roots in the ancient legends of the land.
The sacred Furry Knot is revered as a symbol of unity and connectedness,
as it represents the inseparable link between all living beings and their energies.

The followers of Knotism, who call themselves “Knotists”,
believe that the Furry Knot was created by the gods to bring harmony and peace to the world.
The knot consists of three intertwined strands that symbolize body, mind and soul.
Knotists practice rituals in which they make hand-knotted knots as offerings to seek the favor of the gods.

A central festival of Knotism is the “Furry Festival”, which is celebrated every year on the winter solstice.
Believers gather to tie knots together, share stories and songs and live together peacefully.
On this day, the “knot master” is also honored, who serves as the spiritual leader of the community
and is considered a mediator between the gods and humans.

Knotism teaches compassion, respect and cohesion, and its followers are always striving to make their world a better place
by implementing the teachings of the sacred Furry Knot in their daily lives.

User Data Policy

At, we respect your privacy. This website does not share any personal data from its visitors.
Your interactions and activities on this site remain completely private, ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience.

Privacy Redirection Notice

To our valued users,
In our ongoing commitment to protect this website we continually review and update our privacy procedures.
As part of these updates, users from certain regions may experience redirection to alternative pages or services.
This action is necessary to ensure compliance with local privacy regulations and to provide you with the highest level of data protection.

We understand that this may cause some inconvenience, and we sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Our goal is to ensure that all users have a secure and trustworthy experience while using our services.

Thank you for your continued trust and support.

Not Tested viewers

For any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me via Discord on the
Disvail Dynamics channel

Disvail Dynamics Group

Profile Miko Astral


Avalilable at SL-Marketplace

DD SitGuard

This is one of the most sophisticated systems I have ever tried.

Thanks to Teff who came up with this great idea in discord!

This is to all who like to sit afk.
Arent you tired of some people and you dont want them to sit with you?
Are they wearing a certain outfit you dont like?
Are they wearing a certain tag you dont like?
Are they supporting a certain creator you dont like?

Look no further! This is the system for you!

From now on you can decide who can sit with you and who cant! Even when AFK!

You are now able to refuse to sit with blacklisted people.
If they sit with you, you get up and they receive a warning.
You can blacklist items in a notecard. Is someone with a blacklisted item sitting with you, you get up and they receive a warning.
You can blackist a creator via UUID in a notecard. If someone with a blacklisted creator is sitting with you, you get up and they receive a warning.
You can whitelist people who will not be scanned.
When they leave your distance, you will be seated at the same spot again. (This is optional)


How to use it

SitGuard will only look for banned items and users!
If you ban a user, they will be banned from sitting with you until you unban them.

To ban an Item someone is wearing, edit your undressify, open the blacklist notecard and add the name of the item.
Use one Item per line!


To ban a creator someone is wearing, edit your undressify, open the blacklistcreator notecard and add the uuid of a creator.
Use one UUID per line!

To whitelist a user, edit your sitguard, open the whitelist notecard and add the uuid of a user.
Use one UUID per line!

To find the UUID of a creator or the name of an item, use the inspect function from the access menu.

Turn it on and find a place to sit.
Now relax and do whatever you want to do.


You need a script for your personal needs?
You need a script for your shop?
You have a big project and need a scripter?
Contact me!
My payment is a matter of negotiation and depends on whether you need your project fullperm or not.
Everything is a matter of negotiation and can be better discussed in person.

Commissions are open!

Official partners


Prim Network is more than just a social media platform;
it's a vibrant community hub designed specifically for residents of Second Life.
Our platform is tailored to meet the unique needs of Second Life users,
providing a space where creativity, connection, and collaboration thrive.